Scott Wilkerson
Scott Wilkerson

phone: (727) 420-4202

“Business, like government or religion, has the power to change the world, for better or worse."

Scott Wilkerson’s mission is to assist business leaders to grow personally and to bring more creativity, harmony, and profit into their companies.

As coach and mentor, working either on site or by phone, Scott offers an ability to listen and to observe the nuances of communication. He asks the important questions. He helps individuals and groups discover what they most want and need to do. And, he helps them work together in healthier ways.

As a result, leaders are empowered to develop working groups that embody a collective wisdom. Decisions emerge that are good for individuals and teams within the company as well as for their customers and the larger community. Those who work with Scott achieve happier relationships, heightened creativity and profit, and a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

Scott has said, “Business, like government or religion, has the power to change the world, for better or worse. Leaders with high levels of consciousness honor the human spirit, enhance communities, and protect the environment. However, narrowly focused leaders can have profoundly negative effects on employees, the larger community, and the natural world.”



Scott Wilkerson received his M.B.A. from the University of Tennessee and worked for Ford Motor Co. as a Zone Manager before starting his own business. Today he is a partner in TDC Capital, a private investment firm specializing in automobile dealerships.

Twenty years ago Scott had achieved significant material success but not real meaning or happiness. “My thriving business only pressured me to keep expanding. My marriage was empty. My two young children were the light of my life, but even with them I wasn’t truly present.”

Scott began a search for real happiness and a business model that reflected his growing awareness. He consulted with M. Scott Peck, Lou Tice, Steven Covey, Tony Robbins, and Peter Senge. These men gave him valuable knowledge but didn't fill his need for a one-on-one relationship with someone who could truly empathize with his situation.

Scott also developed a dedicated spiritual practice but, “I yearned for a mentor,” he says, “someone I could trust; someone with no agenda but to help me find my truth.” Out of all this experience has emerged Scott's passion for helping others in similar circumstances.

Scott applied what he learned to transform his own business experience. Open and honest communication, trust, personal growth, and wise leadership were the keys to his creation of a dealership group with over 700 employees and $275 million in annual sales. Included in this group was the largest, most profitable, and highest owner loyalty Lincoln Mercury dealership in the nation.

Scott’s wife, Linda, is the founder of Yoga Village, a multi-discipline yoga studio and community gathering place in Clearwater, Florida. They have four beautiful children and are committed to growing individually and within their family and businesses.